Main Businesses

We introduce our main businesses.

Intelligent Green Energy Solution

The Intelligent Green Energy Solution is a comprehensive approach to modern energy challenges. And also creating new opportunities in whole industry.

In a rapidly evolving world, the need for sustainable energy solutions is more critical than ever. Our Intelligent Green Energy Solution combines advanced technology with eco-friendly practices to create a system that is not only efficient but also environmentally responsible.

The Intelligent Green Energy Solution is a comprehensive approach to modern energy challenges. By combining renewable energy sources, smart grid technology, advanced storage solutions, and intelligent energy management, we pave the way for a sustainable and prosperous future.

  • Smart Grid Technology
  • Renewable Energy Integration
  • Energy Storage Solutions
  • Energy Management System (EMS)
  • Smart Cities
  • Smart Building Management

Energy Metering

The use of smart meters to measure and report energy consumption enables utilities and energy distributors to manage their supply and demand in real time.

Our solutions allow and support multiple wired and wireless communication protocols needed to interconnect the smart metering infrastructure.

  • DLMS/COSEM Protocol
  • DLT2007 Protocol
  • Variable Communication Solutions for Data Collection        (PLC, RF, 3G, LTE)
  • Reading Electrical Data, such as Voltage and Energy usage data, etc.

LED Lightings

Smart LED Light R&D service and customized solution provide. High-Efficiency Lights Customized Design Service SCADA Management Program

Smart LED Light R&D service and customized solution provide.

  • High-Efficiency Lights
  • Customized Design Service
  • SCADA Management Program
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